Arise! Arise!! Arise!!

Labone Rise!

Ye Youth of Labone Arise!

And Hail the founding fathers call

Arise and shake your drowse away

Primus Semper Aurora!

And Wake to the Clarion's call

And work from dawn to dusk

And lift high the banner of La

Which never knows defeat

You are not to lie too low

The founding fathers charge you

Arise and fly Labosco

Rise with the dawn and conquer!


Arise! Arise!! Arise!!

Labone Rise!

The race is for the strong

the weak we shall not entertain

Arise and brave the battle on

Primus Semper Aurora!

You're sure to defeat the foe

The battle shall be won

The victory's crown received

By Ye who perseveres

Have heart and forge ahead

The founding Fathers charge you

Arise and fly Labosco

Rise with the dawn and conquer!

Wuo gbeee....La gbeeee!!!!