I. Provide all students who are admitted into the school with the highest possible quality of education.

II. Allow all students admitted into the school to have equal opportunities for development.


The Objectives of the institution are to:

I. Assist students to develop all their innate or inborn abilities so that no child is found loitering about aimlessly in town, thus creating social problems.

II. Create confidence in students through music and arts competitions and club activities where innovative students are acknowledged and rewarded.

III. Develop young men and women who are well educated, well groomed, disciplined and can differentiate between right and wrong.


Instill in students the values of diligence, tolerance and integrity with the ultimate aim of turning them into good, useful and industrious citizens.

Inculcate in students the sense of respect and responsibility towards all persons irrespective of age, sex, colour, creed or status.

The school also intends to instill in its young men and women a sense of Patriotism for national development.


Students admitted into the school are assisted to remain focused on the aims, objectives and values of the institution. Discipline and good comportment are instilled and impressed upon the minds of students.


La Bone School is non-denominational. Students from all denominations are therefore welcome. The school invites Pastors, Evangelists and social workers to talk to the students at morning as assembly. There is also a day for a student preacher. Wednesdays are alternatively used for worship, class meetings withForm Masters and Mistresses, counselling, club meetings among other activities.

Religious services are held on Sunday evenings at 7pm

Note: Students are not allowed to pray between class hours.


The governing board is the highest decision making body of the school.


The board consists of the following persons:

a. A representative of the Director-General selected in consultation with the Minister.

b. Two members to represent Historical interest, Mission or Founder.

c. The Regional Director or her representative.

d. One member to represent the Parent-Teacher Association(PTA)

e. The District Director or his or her representative.

f. The Headmistress

g. An Assistant head is secretary to the Board.

h. Two members elected by the staff, one representing the Teaching and the other the non-Teaching staff.

i. Two representatives of the social service committee from the District Assembly.


I. To control the general public policy of the institution.

II. To ensure the good administration of the Head of the institution and ensure good discipline among staff and students.

III. The Board assists the Head of the institution to discharge his or her duties but does not interfere in the responsibility of the Head.

IV. The Board submits to the Minister of Education through the Director General by March 31st of each year annual report on the preceding year covering all aspects of activities in the school including an account of all revenues and expenditures.

V. The board ensures that the premises of the institution are kept in a sanitary and structurally safe condition and generally in good state of repair.

VI. The board approves the budget of the school for onward submission to the Ghana Education Service (GES)


The Board meets at least, once a term to receive situational report from the Head of the Institution and attend to educational issues as there may be.


There are two main sources of funding for the school. These are:

1. Government Grants(Subsidy) which are received termly.

2. School fees and levies. Students pay fees on termly basis. The school runs both Boarding and Day facilities. The only difference between a Boarder and Day student(in terms of fees) is in the feeding fee. However, all students (both Day and Boarding) pay termly PTA levy.