Best Labone SHS Students Receive Awards From Cowbell

  • Tue, 20 Nov 2018

Cowbell Ghana has once again demonstrated its resolve to promote and encourage academic excellence of students in the country by awarding more than seventy-five (75) students at the 47th Speech and Prize giving day of Labone Senior High School.

The event which was held over the weekend at the school premises saw the entire student population, parents and guests refreshed with the different variants of cowbell.

Events manager at Promasidor Ghana, producers of Cowbell, Mr. Gideon Kodo said Cowbell was happy about the opportunity to sponsor the awards as a way of motivating the deserving students to do more academically. He added that, giving such a support was a great way to connect with its key consumers; students and young people.

According to him, the contribution of the students to the success of the Cowbell brand cannot be overemphasized and therefore their continuous excellence was of great interest to the company.

He however challenged the recipients of the awards not to be complacent but commit to their studies to guarantee better opportunities for them in the future.

Headmistress of the school, Ms. Kate Bannerman also expressed her profound gratitude to Cowbell Ghana and called on other corporate organizations to emulate the gesture.